Forum Discussion

John B.41's avatar
John B.41
Explorer | Level 3
7 years ago

xcodebuild error in ObjectiveDropboxOfficial iOS build

Can't build new 3.9.4 version of ObjectiveDropboxOfficial framework in xcodebuild. 

Message "DTDeviceKit: deviceType from 00008006-001710143AA2002E was NULL"

Finally fails to write ~/Development/App name/Carthage/Build/iOS/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework:

with ErrorDomain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code:2 "No such file or directory"

Xcode 10.1, Mojave 10.14.3

  • Greg-DB's avatar
    6 years ago

    Thanks for the output. I see you're just running the standard `carthage update --platform iOS` command, which is the same as what I tried.

    To try to track down the issue here, can you also let me know:

    • What version of `carthage` do you have installed? You can check with `carthage version`. (I tested on 0.31.2.)
    • Are you using the standard documented Cartfile? If not, what do you have?
    • Can you also try this with the same Cartfile but with a new Xcode project? If it works with a new project, there may be a project setting causing the issue.
  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Are you following the instructions from to install the Dropbox SDK using Carthage? I just tried that with v3.9.4 of the SDK and v10.1 of Xcode, and I didn't get the error you shared here.

    Can you share the exact steps you're following to reproduce this and the full output you're getting? 

    "DTDeviceKit" doesn't seem to be referring to Dropbox SDK code, but we'll be happy to take a look and try to reproduce this to see if we can offer any insight.

    • John B.41's avatar
      John B.41
      Explorer | Level 3

      Here's the Terminal output from xcodebuild:


      Last login: Mon Feb 25 16:31:16 on ttys000
      dungannon:~ jb$ cd /Users/jb/Development/Scoring\ Machine
      dungannon:Scoring Machine jb$ carthage update --platform iOS
      *** Fetching dropbox-sdk-obj-c
      *** Checking out dropbox-sdk-obj-c at "3.9.4"
      *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/mh/qzy5xyc55mggdms80vqq29f00000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.5eNEJN.log
      *** Building scheme "ObjectiveDropboxOfficial iOS" in ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.xcodeproj
      Failed to write to /Users/jb/Development/Scoring Machine/Carthage/Build/iOS/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/jb/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial-czkyzvwvvahgycguujzqvowxfoao/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fcda49af680 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
      dungannon:Scoring Machine jb$


      notice the NSFilePath in the output - expected to be in .../Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/

      upon examining the contents of DerivedData for the build, the framework and its .SYM file is at .../Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/   !!!!  How does this happen? Xcode wasn't even running.  xcodebuild sent the build products to the wrong place (and then went looking for it at the correct location).  We're stumped.

      The previous DTDeviceKit notice only appears during the build when Xcode is active.  We don't understand that either, but it may not be the cause of the ultimate error.  Thanks for following up.

    • John B.41's avatar
      John B.41
      Explorer | Level 3

      .... which results in a built product that doesn't include an ARM64 slice, which means it's useless for using in a ARM64-capable product.

      • Greg-DB's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Thanks for the output. I see you're just running the standard `carthage update --platform iOS` command, which is the same as what I tried.

        To try to track down the issue here, can you also let me know:

        • What version of `carthage` do you have installed? You can check with `carthage version`. (I tested on 0.31.2.)
        • Are you using the standard documented Cartfile? If not, what do you have?
        • Can you also try this with the same Cartfile but with a new Xcode project? If it works with a new project, there may be a project setting causing the issue.