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The range of temporary files ignored by Dropbox needs to include filenames matching "Unconfirmed*.crdownload". This is the filename assigned by Google when downloading a file and it is renamed to the correct name when download is complete.
Dropbox already ignores certain temporary files created by Microsoft Office, but it should also ignore temporary files from other applications such as Google Chrome. One way would be to give user's the option the add certain filenames to be ignored so that user's can do this themselves.
Recently I started experiencing the problem that when I save images or files from chrome to dropbox, there are ghost crdownload files also that do not dissapear even when the download is complete.
I guess the problem is that when I download a photo.jpg, it immediatelly syncs the photo.crdownload to the cloud and somehow it's not able to delete it soon enough?
Any way to get dropbox to ignore these files and not sync them? Or does someone know how to disable this feature from chrome so that there wont be any crdownload temp files?
Anyone know if this has been looked into as a feature or future idea or is it dead. I recently have ran into my keepass lock file being sync'd and screwing up my keepass because the lock file isn't erased so keepass thinks the password file is still there.
It's be great to setup a black list or ignore list for dropbox to look at when syncing.
I have this problem as well, It's an easy fix as far as I can see to get it to ignore the files, the file type isn't used by any other app/program.