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Please please please can you add a feature that allows folders to be excluded from the Dropbox account (on windows and mac). For sure I'm not the first person to request this, but I'm yet to find a good explanation of why it's not there. A quick google search reveals loads of people also looking for the same feature. I really like the workflow I have with dropbox, but it's getting to the point where I might switch providers in order to allow better selective sync.
I've seen hackish solutions using selective sync, but it would be great if this could be done in one of the following ways:
- global pattern matching eg "node_modules"
- a marker file in the directory like .dropboxignore
- a simple right click context menu "Ignore this folder"
Other than that, keep up the good work. Cheers.
"Unsync this folder" as a context menu add-on is a no-brainer.
Leaving an Alias behind, greye out, would be a perfect reminder that it's still there.
I was looking for a workaround and there are few, if you can limit yourself to linux or mac, but ultimately went with bittorrent sync ... http://peter.grman.at/ignore-node_modules-in-dropbox/
http://konolige.com/dbignore/ exists for Mac OSX. It's .gitignore for Dropbox, but the instructions are a bit advanced.
Anyone care to figure it out and write simple step-by-step HowTo?
I am using Dropbox 3.2.6 for Windows. Dropbox offers the possibility to exclude certain folders from synchronization. I suggest that there is added a functionality to exclude certain files from synchronization.
Dropbox excludes already certain system files such as desktop.ini. These are Windows system files... other software might add to the list of files that should not be synchronized. For instance, Thunderbird creates a file parent.lock in order to avoid that a second version of Thunderbird is started in parallel. This file is locked and may not be touched: it leads to a synchronization failure. It would be great if I could edit the list of files not to by synchronized and add files such as parent.lock
Thanks for asking: Yes, I am still having the same problem. parent.lock is being indexed. parent.lock cannot be synchronized because access was denied. (Translation of German terms.) I would so much love to tell Dropbox not to try to synchronize this file.
Yeah, this is an issue and I'm surprised there isn't more uproar (or information, for that matter) about it.
I just tried setting up Dropbox as my profile for Thunderbird so I could use it across multiple computers and the file "parent.lock" which is created by Tbird when you first start it up prevents DB from syncing properly. It ALSO (much worse) prevents TBird from deleting it properly when it exits (not quite sure why this happens -- I'll try turning DB syncing off and see if that makes a difference, but even if so that's not an acceptable solution in any way shape or form).
Quite honestly I don't know how folks are even using DB with Thunderbird, unless they just don't care if DB is synced properly, but I can't find much information about this anywhere (other than the problem is noted, time and time again).
Sigh. Okay, Christian, I figured out how to do this (but it isn't intuitive and it really still ought to be added to DB.
Here are the steps to take to make DB selective sync a file (it's a bit of a kludge but let's hope DB never removes it):
To exclude FILES, not folders, from Dropbox, there is a trick you can do:
Move the file somewhere else
Create a folder with the same name in place of the file
Go to Dropbox selective sync options and ignore the folder, this will also delete it
Move the file back in place
I got this from a superuser forum and it makes sense -- and in some way I understand why DB works like this. But it would be SO much easier if DB just had an option when you right clicked a file in your folder (either in the desktop app or the browser app) where you could choose not to have that particular file synced without having to go through this process.
+1 for .dropboxignore
.dropboxignore or similar would be amazing!