mab_1852's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 years ago

Need to be able to print the entire file structure for any account

I know other people have suggested this  but I'm just adding my two cents worth - Being able to download/print the entire file structure for your records or to share with others - would save having to manually record it in a spreadsheet.  Not sure why there hasn't been any action on it since 2019 - too hard perhaps?

  • Nancy's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
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    Gathering Support

    This idea is open.


    If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support.


    Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.

  • SusanGSM's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3

    I would like to be able to create a directory that could be printed or put into a document that shows Folders and Sub Folders and files so I could do an overview of where I have duplicates or ways to streamline folders or  see how many different file and folder names are being used across my account and my teams account.  I'm actually surprised that is not available.   

    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
      Status changed:
      Gathering Support
      This idea is open. 
      If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support. 
      Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
    • shinbeth's avatar
      Experienced | Level 13

      Export the file structure from dropbox, and showing access of who (or what groups) have access to the files within the structure.


      This function would have saved me hours of having to type the folder tree manually so we could restructure our folders.

    • legalassistant's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I know I am not the first one to suggest this, but you need to develop a way to create a table of contents or index of the files in a given folder. This is an incredibly important function for the businesses who use this platform as a way to share files. Especially with the increasing use of generative AI, this should be a capability of your site in the near future. 


  • LFM's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    I like this idea.  I have been advocating for adding filters to search, the way Windows File Explorer does.  Allowing output of all files with hierarchy would also be a big time saver.

  • Jay's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Gathering Support

    This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 

    Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!