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1 TopicHow to easily create a file shortcut on Android using MS Word which works with Dropbox cloud files
Appears to work with any document that you can get to open in Android MS Word app (doc, docx, pdf, etc). I've also seen it work for at least one other program (maybe was One Drive) that had that same "back" left arrow. From my Dropbox app on my android phone, I open Word and PDF files in MS Word then use the FILE method below to create FILE (not folder) shortcuts to my Dropbox cloud files. So with one tap to the shortcut, I can quickly open the latest synced Dropbox file version. Android FILE shortcut creation: Open file in MS Word on an android phone. Tap the "Back" arrow. (The left pointing arrow in top left-hand corner of screen - NOT the "back" button in the navigation bar at the bottom ). This will take you to the "Recent" screen. Tap on the 3 vertical dots (vertical ellipsis) to the right of the file that was just opened. Select "Add to Home screen." Touch and hold the icon that is show or tap "Add" to add this shortcut to the Home screen. If no room on the home screen, it will be added to another screen. Sigh contentedly🙂 Android Dropbox FOLDER shortcut creation: Long press any empty space on the home screen. Select "Widgets." Scroll down to "Dropbox." Tap the expand down arrow Select the Dropbox icon Select "Add." Select the FOLDER that you want the shortcut to open (single files cannot be selected with this method) Select "Create Shortcut."49Views0likes1Comment