Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesUpload multiple files in session Backstory I have a bunch of small PDFs (18 kb each). filesUpload worked until I understood that a `429` is quite usual. Researched and found the batch endpoints. I wanted to use `/upload_session/start_batch`, `/upload_session/append_batch` & `/upload_session/finish_batch` to upload all files in a session. For stability I used the JS SDK.....but there is no method for `/upload_session/append_batch` 🧐 I created my own method and used the endpoint directly.....worked. But I got errors in the `finish_batch` Then I thought: If the file size off all PDFs is so small, maybe I can upload them directly in the `start` without any `append` and without batch session. I thought, I can use the one `session_id` returned by the `filesUploadSessionStart` method and then go with `filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2` and split the uploaded file into the original PDFs. const allContent = concatArrayBuffers({ contents }) => contents)); const startResponse = await dbx.filesUploadSessionStart({ close: true, contents: allContent, }); const batchData = files.reduce( (acc, cur) => { acc.entries.push({ cursor: { session_id: startResponse.result.session_id, offset: acc.offset, }, commit: { autorename: true, mode: "add", mute: false, path: cur.path, }, }); acc.offset += cur.contents.byteLength; return acc; }, { offset: 0, entries: [], } ).entries; await dbx.filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2({ entries:{ commit, cursor }) => ({ commit, cursor })), }); This is the code. Questions What is a session exactly? What is an entry exactly? Can I access one session from multiple entries in a `filesUploadSessionFinishBatchV2`? Where am I going wrong?