Forum Discussion

JuliaNowicka's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
3 years ago

Check if user shared any links

Hello, I need to check how many links user has shared and how many of them are public links. Is this possible using the Dropbox API? I'm using the get_shared_links endpoint at the moment, but I'm not...
  • Greg-DB's avatar
    3 years ago

    For a user not on a team with a team space, you can just use sharing_list_shared_links, without setting the path root, to get all the shared links for that user, since their member folder is their root anyway.


    For a user on a team with a team space, you should still use sharing_list_shared_links, but you would need to set the path root to their team space if you need to list all their shared links, including those in both their team space and member folder.


    This code should illustrate how to count all shared links for either type, checking for and rooting from a team space if present:

    dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(ACCESS_TOKEN)
    current_account = dbx.users_get_current_account()
    if isinstance(current_account.root_info, dropbox.common.TeamRootInfo):
    	dbx = dbx.with_path_root(dropbox.common.PathRoot.root(current_account.root_info.root_namespace_id))
    links = []
    res = dbx.sharing_list_shared_links()
    links += res.links
    while res.has_more:
    	res = dbx.sharing_list_shared_links(cursor=res.cursor)
    	links += res.links