Forum Discussion

DiscoExperiments's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 years ago

Open file in Android Dropbox

I'm trying to preview a file entity I've fetched from files-list_folder in Dropbox android app. I've noticed there is files-get_temporary_link endpoint when creating an intent like that:

Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(tempLink)).setPackage(Pkgs.DROPBOX)

It seems that it can't be resolved by the Dropbox Android app. Is there any way to open Dropbox android app to preview the file?


I'm writing and library for Android launchers that queries APIs for application user has installed on their device for user searchable data (dropbox file in this case) and allows the user to access this data directly from the launcher. I was able to integrate multiple could storage services but I struggle with dropbox.