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x3inspire's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
7 years ago

Why is my Dropbox upload speed so slow?

Hello guys, does anyone facing problem with slow uploading to Dropbox?


I'm using 1Gbps connection uploading speed max around 3Mb/s, compared with Google Drive with my connection up to 80Mb/s.


Already tried upload via Dropbox web, Dropbox Apps, Cyberduck, Zoom Uploader and all speed still same.


Transferring 16TB data from Google Drive using Multcloud also average speed around 3Mb/s.  Dropbox really capped limit or what?  Seriously in 2018 with that speed?

  • Jane's avatar
    7 years ago
    Hey x3inspire, thanks for reaching out for assistance on the Dropbox Community in regards to your uploading issue, I hope you’re doing well today! 
    Firstly, I’d like to thank you for all your cooperation & prompt replies here, let me follow-up from where you’ve left off previously. 
    In order to make sure I understand correctly, can you please clarify if you’re uploading your files using the web interface or the desktop Dropbox application? Based on your screenshot, it’s my understanding that you’re using the website to get your files online, therefore I’d like to ask you if you’re getting better results on the client. Could you elaborate on how this option has worked for you? 
    Based on your description, you may want to avoid using your desktop to sync your files online, as the default setting could be "Available locally". Please note that you may change this, following the steps outlined below: 
    1. Click the Dropbox icon from the menu bar.
    2. Click the :gear: icon and select Preferences... from the menu.
    3. Click Sync :arrows_counterclockwise:.
    4. Choose your work Dropbox account.
    5. Change the selection for Smart Sync Default to the last option: 
      • Admin default: the default setting chosen by your team admin.
      • Local: all new content downloads to your computer.
      • Online-only: manually download files to your computer when you need them.
    Following, I’ve made sure to run a search on our system on my end & I’ve located your open ticket. In order to expedite matters, I’ve raised your support priority internally & I’ve notified my colleague handling the case on your comments, so as to find a viable solution together. 
    They’ll get back in touch with you on this discussion & rest assured that they’ll do their best to help you over. 
    I hope that this is helpful to you. Please let me know on how you’d like us to proceed on this discussion & I’ll make sure to check back to you & help you on this matter in any way I can. Happy Monday! 


    [This thread is now closed. If you have a similar or new question, you can ask here]

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II
    There is no cap at Dropbox's end, but, that does not mean there are not caps elsewhere.

    What is worth noting, however, is that uploads are always very slow with Dropbox initially because it uploads files smallest -> largest after its recreated the directory structure. Because it individually has checks every file it means the overheads can be quite intense. Once it gets to larger files it hash checks each file in 4mb blocks which help speed up the process.
    • x3inspire's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5
      So, because of "hash checks each file in 4mb blocks" upload speed limit to 4Mb/s?
      • Mark's avatar
        Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

        No, there is no limit. It just slows things down initially as there are overheads on checking each file.

        I can quite easily upload movies of a few GB here in a couple of minutes, but, thats because everything else is already sync'd and so the overheads are low.

        Have a look at https://help.dropbox.com/syncing-uploads/faster-sync