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Please provide an option to sync arbitrary folders on our computer. Even if it's a limited number of base folders, heck, even if it's just three (or, perhaps, eight, sixteen?), that would be fine. Limiting this feature to three specific pathnames on a specific hard drive as is the case for the new backup feature severely limits its usability.
Agreed! The backup feature feels fairly severely limited if I can't tell it what to back up.
Backing up just Desktop, Documents and Downloads is not very helpful.
Desktop - generally nothing but shortcut icons. Maybe some temporary current work.
Documents - a massively over-subscribed space where just about every program I ever install will create its own folders and files. Not a useful place for me to put my own work files in.
Downloads - a totally ephemeral, throw-away space.
Backing up _only_ these is probably a bit pointless for many users.