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5 years agoNew member | Level 2
Can we have more folder options like custom folders or sub-folders to add to Computer Backup?
Right now, the automated backup option in Dropbox allows me to sync my Documents, Desktop and Downloads folders. By far the biggest - and most important - folder on my computer is the Music folder th...
5 years agoNew member | Level 2
As others have said, the ability to select any local folder is the missing link in Dropbox being the 'Goto' online backup facility for Private and SME companies. We have a Folder on a network drive (thats on a Mirror server), which holds all our working documents. We have to manually back this up and then place it in a Dropbox folder at the moment. This would save a huge amount of risk and aggro if this could happen automaticaly by allowing us to choose a folder rather than being limited to those three defaults.
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