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2 years agoNew member | Level 2
Default Share Option should be "View" not "Edit"
I am a Dropbox business admin that shares a lot of links with people outside of my organization. I'm not sure when it happened but as some point the default for sharing switched from "View" to "Edit". When you click the "Copy Link" button, it creates an edit link, not a view link. When you click the three dots, then go "Share with Dropbox", and the pop up window appears, the default is "can edit". Furthermore, in the dropbox app (Finder on Mac), the "Copy Dropbox Link" option creates an edit link. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does not want random people being able to upload to my dropbox.
To be sure, I do not want to get rid of "Edit", but making it the default seems an odd choice. This means that even the most diligent of user (myself) accidentally sends Edit links. People who are not diligent send them exclusively.
Thank you!
- LTarbuttonHelpful | Level 6
Just discovered this with our company as well. Definitely not what we want! I need the default to be "view". I was shocked that I couldn't even change it to "View" before copying the link!
- MajorHavocCollaborator | Level 8
Thank you
- CathpahNew member | Level 2
Chiming in to echo the comments of others. I am sharing files with clients, and I do *not* want them to be able to edit or change the folders, as that's a disservice to both of us and increases chances they'll screw things up. I recognize I can change it from a dropdown, but efficiency is key, so please change the default to "view."
- Hollie PiperNew member | Level 2
Umm, this has not "been delivered"... what a joke! I cannot restrict access to members invited AND also have the document "view only" with no edit or download options. I have them ticked in the settings but it's completing editable and downloadable for that client. We don't want to have to send a public links to clients just so it's not editable or downloadable, because it's still shareable. FIX IT!
- axiomvergeNew member | Level 2
This is just a terrible design.
I have never had a usage for letting other people edit my stuff, and I'd wager most of the time, people don't. Yet, if you click the "link" icon, it automatically creates a link for editing. The only way I've found around that is to go to Share Folder-> change dropdown to "can view" -> then Copy link on that screen.
- Dave E.12Helpful | Level 5
I just had a musician I work with delete a bunch of their data. Thankfully they realised what had happened and notified me. By chance I had another copy, but normally I count on Dropbox to be that copy.
This is definitely a significant issue waiting to happen: public edit links are the highest possible risk and I have no idea why dropbox would think this is helpful. Coupled with the way that Dropbox now avoids local copies this encourages a situation where I could allow any remote party to delete the only copy of my data.
Please please please change this back.
To be clear, the desktop application has this correct: right click menu > copy dropbox link appears to create a read only link. However the android app will default to a plublic editable link which is not great and harder to spot if I'm out and about trying to help someone get access to something. - hagnExplorer | Level 3
i am an attorney and i regularly use the "Copy Dropbox Link" context menu in windows to share files and folders with both clients and opposing parties. for as long as i have been using dropbox (over 10 years), selecting that item in the context menu meant it would share a link for them only to be able to view the file or folder. convenient. safe. now the default somehow allows them to edit the contents. that's a problem in so many ways that it has me considering using OneDrive instead and canning Dropbox entirely. please restore "can view" as the default setting for a "Copy Dropbox Link" share.
- torbachkristensenExplorer | Level 3
Seriously, dropbox please change this immediately. Absolute catastrophe.
- Walter
Dropbox Staff
Hi all, can you please let us know if it's working properly after changing the default sharing setting?
- torbachkristensenExplorer | Level 3
Works in browser, but not in dropbox IOS app or Mac OSX.