Kim G.1's avatar
Kim G.1
New member | Level 1
11 years ago

I'd love to see a an individual quota add-on for plans.

10€/ month is a total no go for me. and by the way I do not need 1TB. at least not now.
But give me 1/10 for 1/10 and I would sign up in a heartbeat.
The argument that they lost money because people downgraded. In my view that just emphasize that the pricing scheme is wrong. Some people have bought in for 1TB because that is the only next step. That also indicates that some of the paying subscribers are paying for something the really do not need but had no other option. That is not a good way to treat your customers. Because this means that the second somebody else comes with a better offer. Your customers are gone. and unhappy customers doesn't come back. Even if you try lowering the price at that point then it will be too little too late. I like dropbox have been using it for a long time now. But I am looking for alternatives simply because my cloud storage requirement is more than the 13GB I have now. but way below 1TB. I would really like an option where I can increase storage and price gradually as I need it. Cloud storage is a competitive space. It is about trust, price, availability and features. Microsoft, Google and Apple are on their way. So Dropbox you need to be more competitive or offer other features that people want to pay for. Right now I only use dropbox because of sharing. And I struggle with limited space and 10€ a month is not an option. I have cloud space with the three companies mentioned, but non of them are good or trustworthy enough yet. Every new release they send out they are getting closer. They all have someting that Dropbox does not have. An eco-system around their cloud. Dropbox try with photos. Well I find that feature annoying because it use the limited space I have. and I already have my photos elsewhere. Dropbox you need to come up with something or I believe you will loose the upcoming battle. You have a lot of customers now because you where among the first. Well surprise first is not enough anymore.

  • Ivan Ivanov's avatar
    Ivan Ivanov
    New member | Level 2

    Бажано мати проміжний план між безкоштовним та 2 ТБ. Мені наприклад вистачило б 10-20 ГБ

    А платити 10 долл за простір який я використовую на  1 процент...

  • eljuano's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Less storage for less money, in the same ballpark as Microsoft or Google. I don't want to give them more money, but they ask for way less (as I also need less space)

  • vdeangelis's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3
    Individuals should be able to pay for more TB space as needed without having to upgrade to a business plan and be forced to pay for 3 unnecessary licenses.
  • NedBran's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    This problem won't apply to everyone, but I'd like to offer my 2 cents to the development team anyway. I'm a videographer and often need to transfer projects around 100-200GB. Video file sizes have increased a lot in the last few years because of the development of camera technology, and transferring those files remotely has also become more common.


    I'm looking at expanding my cloud storage, but the limit for an individual with add-ons is only 4TB. The 3TB I have is already at capacity and a 1TB increase isn't enough of an increase. I've found another cloud storage option online offering about 6TB for the same price, so will need to switch to that platform if it's decent.


    DropBox has been my cloud storage platform for years so it's a shame I need to move on. If anyone from the development team see's this, I'd respectfully recommend looking into expanding your individual plans. The film and video industry is relying on remote transfers more and more, so it could be worthwhile looking into it. I like many others work freelance, so team plans just wont work with us.



  • Propermeasure's avatar
    New member | Level 2



    I am an individual user who does not need multiple users on an account but I need more storage. I suggest adding a fetcher to select at least 1TB extra storage space at a time as a add on for anyone who just needs more space. Having to upgrade my account to one with multiple users and then having to pay per user per month is no beano. Makes no sense when I just need more space not users!


    This is a pretty simple fix for a lot of people out there. I can see people using other services like Dropbox that offer better storage needs for individuals. I am considering an alternative my self if this option does not become available soon.



  • Fastader1's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Why isn't possible to ad on more TB's  up to the point where it makes sence to switch/upgrade plan?


  • abdullah3509's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    There should be a customized plan depending on the storage required by users. For example, if I want 500GB of storage, I should be able to select and not pay for the storage that will not be utilized.

  • Megan's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Gathering Support

    This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 

    Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!