Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesEstou com a assinatura Family ativa (assinatura apple) mas o dropbox continua com o plano basic Olá! Eu havia pedido um reembolso de uma renovação de assinatura, no entanto o mesmo não foi aprovado. Decidi então ficar com o plano (que já está pago e válido até 23/02/2026). No entanto, o dropbox continua no plano basic, e não no plano Family que já está contando como pago na apple. Tento contato com o Dropbox, mas sem sucesso. Alguém pode me ajudar? Obrigado! I received a message that I have two Dropbox accounts with the same Apple ID and I see no upgrade. I paid to upgrade but the upgrade never appeared on my account. I tried again and I received the message that I had 2 accounts with the same Apple ID ! The money has been taken from my account but still no upgrade. I only have one DropBox account so cannot resolve the problem. Zero customer service with Dropbox when there is a problem. SolvedWhen adding Google Drive to my device, Dropbox disappears from the start-up menu. Has anyone had the experience of setting drop box to startup items on a mac and then added Google drive too. Google stays put in the login items but I maybe nut but Drop box disappears rom the login items.....Could someone try this too. I am using Sequoia 15.3...and a Mac Book Pro..... Respectfully, Glen New screenshot update So dropbox randomly updated to new screenshot expirience which is not useful as it was. I've always used drag and drop feature while screenshot appeared on the corner to quickly throw file on desktop or import it to file, but right now it have annoying icons on it and i cant drag the picture into any app or do anything about it, what the point of this update? Is theres a way to revert this? Did you tested it with real users? I can always do mark up inside macos preview, there no need of "dropbox" feature for this IMO I had linked my Apple ID to a now deleted Dropbox account and I can't use it to create a new one. Dear Dropbox Support Team, I previously used Dropbox and had linked my account to my Apple ID. However, I deleted that account years ago. Since then, I’ve been unable to create a new account on iOS using “Sign in with Apple” or link my Apple ID to an account with the same email address. Every attempt results in an error message with ERROR 500, even when I try different email addresses or use Apple’s “Hide My Email” feature. It seems my Apple ID is now completely unable to use Dropbox, which is causing significant disruptions to my workflow. I would appreciate any guidance on resolving this issue. Thank you for your support! Best regards, HuaDeity Incomplete sync I just purchased a new MacBook Pro computer, running iOS 15.3.1. I migrated most of my files from my prior computer, using Migration Assistant. Created a new folder in Dropbox on my iPad, and the contents appeared on, but will not show up on my laptop. I tried pausing syncing, then restarting, rebooting my computer, then finally uninstalling the Desktop Dropbox application and reinstalling it with the most current version. It seems that one thing the may have been limiting Dropbox was that I was using Dropbox Basic, and somewhere along the way that was limited to only 3 devices, and I have Dropbox linked to 5 devices. So I also upgraded to Dropbox Plus, which allows multiple devices to sync. My computer went through the whole sync process, and says everything is up to date, but only about 75-80% of my folders and 75-80% of the files in those folders are syncing, and it seems very random. Some folders do not even appear on my MacBook Pro, so I cannot right click to make the folder contents appear off line. And at least one folder, which should have 115 small files in it, is empty on my laptop. Syncing still works fine on my older computer. I have looked at online help, etc, and not found anything to fix this problem. Can anyone help? Les icônes de synchronisation ne sont pas visible sur Mac Sequoia. Aidez-nous ! 😢 Bonjour, Depuis quelque temps, les icônes de synchronisation (le nuage gris, le crochet vert, etc.) ne sont plus visibles sur mon Finder lorsque je lance dropbox. Je suis sur Mac Sequoia 15.3.1 et ma version de dropbox est 218.4.4348. J'ai essayé plusieurs choses mais rien ne fonctionne. Mes autres utilisateurs ont le même problème. Est-ce que quelqu'un a réussi à résoudre ce problème ? I changed my iTunes Plus plan from monthly to yearly, but my Dropbox account is now Basic. Initially, I had a Dropbox monthly payment plan, but I canceled it in January and switched to the annual Dropbox Plus plan. I have a receipt confirming the successful payment. However, I recently noticed that the app is unable to charge my card and is prompting me to update my billing address. I reached out to Apple Support, and they confirmed that my monthly plan was canceled and that I purchased the annual plan. Despite this, my attempts to speak with a live representative at Dropbox have been unsuccessful. Moreover, my account now appears to be on the Dropbox Basic plan instead of the annual plan I paid for. Last night, I finally managed to chat with a representative who advised me to refresh my purchases, but I encountered an error when doing so. The agent informed me that she did not have the tools necessary to resolve the issue. Given that my account has been downgraded and customer service options for Dropbox Basic are limited, how can I get the appropriate assistance to rectify this problem? "Dropbox needs to change permissions for the folder ~/Dropbox" message. I've had Dropbox on this Mac for several years. Made no changes to folder structure. Every couple of weeks I see a pop-window that says Dropbox needs to change permissions for the folder ~/Dropbox and asks me to authenticate. I always press Cancel and it seems to work fine. But what is it trying to do?? iPhone videos and photos not uploading to Dropbox. Only some files upload, and the others don't. Hi, My Dropbox seems to not want to upload Apple iPhone Photos and Videos to my created files. I create photo and video content which I need to distribute to clients using my iPhone however the upload process is almost non existent. I have the Essentials Plan with 3TB storage. I select the maximum files for upload (400 a mix of HEIC iPhone photos and videos shot in 4K 60FPS and mainly video files) and hit upload. The preparation process/loading bar that comes up before being able to upload the files takes almost an hour if not longer. Once this is completed, only some of the 400 files make it to be uploaded so many are missing. Then when I hit upload it says it estimates 2+ days. I do the same process because for one client they get roughly 1000 pieces of content, so need to upload more files. Same process again, it takes forever. My next problem is that the files then sit ‘waiting to be uploaded’ with maybe two or three with a loading bar next to them. They then do not load, and the estimated time to upload says 2 weeks. I might be lucky to get 3/100 files uploaded after 5 hours, but I do not know where the other 900 files have gone (they aren’t anywhere to be found and aren’t in the queue waiting to be uploaded) and none of the other files sitting there will upload. I need this service to be efficient for my work so all the help or advice I can get to get this sorted would be appreciated. thank you. Ash