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Dropbox Passwords
3 TopicsHow to change your Dropbox account password
If you’re new to Dropbox, or still finding your feet with your Drobpox account, you might be wondering how to change the password associated with your account. Well, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our step-by-step guide to changing your password. We’ll be showing you how to change your Dropbox account password if; You’ve forgotten your password and you’re not logged in You’ve forgotten your password and you’re logged in You know your current password You’ve forgotten your password and you’re not logged in We’ve all forgotten a password at some stage, whether it’s because you’ve got so many of them or you just had a momentary brain lapse, but it’s not the end of the world. Even if you’re logged out, there are super-easy ways to reset it. So, here’s how to reset your password if you’re logged out of your Dropbox account. Go to and click where it says Login Enter your email address and hit Continue Instead of entering your password click on Forgot your password? Enter your email address and click Submit You will receive an email containing a Reset password link Follow the link and then enter your new password and click Submit You will receive an email to confirm your password has been reset You’ve forgotten your password and you’re logged in You may also find yourself in a situation where you are still logged into your Dropbox account and you can’t remember your password. Granted, this one happens a little less often, but believe me I have been here on numerous occasions. Rather than trying to make sure you never accidentally log yourself out, for the rest of your life, there are easier ways to get around this scenario. You can just change your password pretty easily. Here’s how to do it. Click on your avatar or initials in the top right hand corner of your screen and select Settings Click on the Security tab and then select Change password Click on Forgot password? Then enter your email address and hit Submit You will receive an email containing a Reset password link Follow the link and then enter your new password and click Submit (Make sure your password is secure and unique. Learn how to create a strong password) You will receive an email to confirm your password has been reset You know your current password There may also be times when you know your current password, but you still want to change it. You might be trying to be extra careful, using a shared device, or worried that someone else may have access to your Dropbox account. Here’s how to change your password if you know your current password. Click on your avatar or initials in the top right hand corner of your screen and select Settings Click on the Security tab and then select Change password Enter your new password and then click Change password You will receive an email to confirm your password has been reset We hope you found this step-by-step guide helpful, please let us know if you were able to change your password using one of these methods.3.4KViews2likes0CommentsPassword changes creating new account
I’m here in the newbies group because I don’t use Dropbox much, nor do I understand what I’m doing when I have files stored there. I’ve been asked to change my password at login, when I’m using the stored password. Frustrating!. Yesterday, after changing my password (to the one it won’t accept today), a new account with no files was created!!!. Are the files that were there seconds before gone forever?2.5KViews3likes4Comments