Forum Discussion

Steve W.33's avatar
Steve W.33
New member | Level 1
10 years ago

How to move photos into folders?

Hello How do I move photos from my camera upload folder to another folder?
  • Rich's avatar
    7 years ago

    suemc wrote:
    ... it only works if the images are already in the "files" section. These photos I want to move to folders are from a camera upload and are in the photos section.

    The Photos section isn't a separate area where photos are stored. Photos just shows you ALL of the photos that are in your account, from all folders. You can't move things out of Photos because it's just a way to view all of the photos in your account. Instead, you need to find the photos in the Files section and move them to the folders that you want them in. Any photos that are automatically uploaded to your account would usually be found in the Camera Uploads folder. It's from this folder (or others) that you would move them.


    This is the same as using the Photos page on the Dropbox website, though the website also includes an option to "show in folder" so you can easily move from a photo on the Photos page to the folder that it resides in.