Forum Discussion

martinHa's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
3 years ago

Clicking Task Bar Icon does not open file explorer any more?

Good Morning all, as of yesterday I have been having some strange issues with my dropbox. 


When I click on the icon on the taskbar it opens the Dropbox app panel rather than file explorer. This was an issue for me a few years ago too but there was an option to disable or change it back. This option in the preferences has now disappeared. 


Is this a bug or an unhelpful feature update? 


I have tried restarting multiple times. 


Any help would be much appreciated. 

  • -Megan, I tried a fresh install and it’s working again. Thanks for the help!

  • Megan's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi martinHa, welcome to our Community! 

    Are you referring to the small icon, that's located next to your WiFi that looks like this: Or the kinda bigger icon, that would look like this?


    In case you're talking about the first icon, then that'd be perfectly normal. When you click on the first icon, on the pop-up window, you should have a little folder like icon on the top, that'll re-direct you to your Dropbox folder on the File Explorer. Have you tried that?


    As for the second icon, you should have that on your desktop, or taskbar (depending if you chose to pin it there, or not), and that will directly take you to your Dropbox folder, when clicking on it. 


    Let me know of any updates!

    • martinHa's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5

      Thanks for the reply Megan,


      Yes I am talking about the first icon in the task bar. 

      Up until a day or so ago clicking (or maybe double clinking, I have been doing it for so many years it is now automatic) file explorer would open. 

      Now all I get is the dropbox app window that shows my last few files accessed. I understand that there is a folder button at the top of that menu that will take me to file explorer. My issue is, I do this dozens of times day, but moving the curser and clicking again on another icon is inefficient. Has the app lost this functionality? It has been there since I started using the software in 2014. 

      • martinHa's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        -Megan, I tried a fresh install and it’s working again. Thanks for the help!