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remymartin's avatar
New member | Level 2
9 years ago

Drag and drop to rearrange items in Paper docs

Liking the new experience for Dropbox Paper so far! I've got this little issue I want to address. When doing creative projects or writing down notes, there's a lot of rearranging of topics, headers, and photos. Some things are prioritised and then not. Some things make more sense before or after. It would be neat to have a drop and drop feature to rearrange various parts of the document instead of having to cut and paste every now and then. Thanks!

  • NY7's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3

    remymartin wrote:

    Liking the new experience for Dropbox Paper so far! I've got this little issue I want to address. When doing creative projects or writing down notes, there's a lot of rearranging of topics, headers, and photos. Some things are prioritised and then not. Some things make more sense before or after. It would be neat to have a drop and drop feature to rearrange various parts of the document instead of having to cut and paste every now and then. Thanks!

    Drop and drag a must  - find it hard to believe it is not possible !!??

  • EasyGoingPat's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    A feature that would be incredibly useful for me is the ability to re-order list/table/task items by simple drag-and-frop or a simple set of keyboard shortcuts.  When Paper is being pushed as an 'ideas' platform, surely it is one of the most basic requirements to be able to easily re-order concepts/steps/tasks etc.


    That said, after years of development, to my knowledge even the mighty desktop version of Word or Excel can't do this simple thing, which is why I have to use an application called To Do List when I want this functionality.


    Kind wishes ~ Patrick 

    • NeverwinterMoon's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I was just thinking that without drag and drop Paper is way too inconvenient for me to use. I tend to write random thoughts and then re-arranged them as needed. Microsoft OneNote allows to do such a thing, and I use it a lot.

    • amohseni's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I agree, this would be very helpful

    • Chameleon's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      Hear Hear.   Rearranging / reordering items is must useful.

  • Chameleon's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I totally agree. That's why I came see if there was a way to rearrange items.  Drag and Drop is the best- like Checklist . com (but paper can handle embedding code snippets.)

  • kzu's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    If be happy if this included at least checkbox drag like GitHub issues does

  • BuildingOnFire's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    We can currently drag and drop to rearrange items in bulleted or numbered lists.   This works well and feels natural.  Great job!


    It would be wonderful to have the same UI and ability to re-order sections of a document by grabbing and moving the header names.  Either in the Contents view, in the document, or both.


    It may seem like a smalll thing, but the ability to reorganize in this way really means the world when organizing a class syllabus or large document.

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
    Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!