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7 years agoNew member | Level 2
Warning that other users already have an autocad file open
Is there any way to enable a warning that another user has an autocad file open when you go to open that same file throught dropbox? I am looking for something similar to the dropbox badge that appears when you open files in mircrosoft products.
- Jeremy PaulNew member | Level 2
Im following up regarding this same issue of multiple people being able to open the same Autocad file and then one person saving as a conflicting copy. As an architecture business owner and user of both, I am baffled as to why Dropbox cannot fix this.
Our IT team convinced us to use Dropbox as our office's "server" for all of our files, but we are now having regrets and looking for other options. Not only is multiple people opening one file an issue, but not being able to see all jpeg image thumbnails is a problem and our syncing of files is not happening quickly, for whatever reason we now need to determine.
- mcosta_Explorer | Level 4
Hola a todos,
desde Dropbox me informaron que el principal problema es de AutoCAD, que ellos tienen un sistema de copia de seguridad o guardado diferente a otros programas por eso tipo Word o Excel, Dropbox avisa que otra persona tiene abierto dicho archivo.
Desde el foro de AutoCAD España, ya he abierto un tema que refleja este problema que tenemos al trabajar con Dropbox, de momento me han sugerido:
"Asegúrese de que los archivos se almacenan en un entorno de red que Autodesk ha probado y admitido. La mayoría de los proveedores de almacenamiento en la nube pueden funcionar, pero pueden mostrar comportamientos como este debido al funcionamiento fuera de las API de red de Windows LAN normales. DFS y la replicación de archivos tampoco son compatibles con el almacenamiento o el acceso de los archivos de dibujo de AutoCAD."
Otra opción es utilizar AutoCAD y Projectwise hasta que se resuelva. He trabajado personalmente con él y funciona muy bien. Echa un vistazo a estos enlaces [En inglés]:
- El módulo de integración de ProjectWise para AutoCAD y Civil 3D 2021 ya está disponible
- Integración de diseño de ProjectWise
Un saludo.
- Jeremy PaulNew member | Level 2
mcosta_ Thank you for the suggestion of Projectwise. I will look into it more, but the last thing I really want to do is have to add and pay for another piece of software that likely adds more complexity. I'd probably be better off switching to a NAS device and keeping our server local. Then we'd get alerts from Autocad when someone had a file open and we'd just have to back up to a cloud for file safety instead of working off of it. I've heard Egnyte might work better for alert purposes.
- Hannah
Dropbox Staff
Status changed:Not for right nowtoClosedHey everyone, this idea has been closed, as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!
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