Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesDropbox Replay: "Show pencil when hovering over file" when disabled, make it default for everyone I'm using the Dropbox trial to see if I can switch from Onedrive and to Dropbox and Replay. I did a few tests with a different account and I disabled "Show pencil when hovering over file" but people that view the video still have the pencil when trying to play the video. For me this a potential deal-breaker because I know clients will start drawing random stuff when they actually want to play the video and they will get annoyed. I've been using almost since it was launched and I think only 1 or 2 clients ever used the pencil to draw something. All of them just leave comments, don't know why the drawing is such front and center. Can we just have it disabled for everyone when selected? Also I have the Essentials trial and I see I can only use 10 videos in Replay with no option for password protection, that's really stingy. I need to get the addon to use more videos and have all the features. Doing a simple math, this comes out way more expensive than Onedrive + Frame. As a solo entrepreneur, it might not be worth it in the end. Need to think about it. Les icônes de synchronisation ne sont pas visible sur Mac Sequoia. Aidez-nous ! 😢 Bonjour, Depuis quelque temps, les icônes de synchronisation (le nuage gris, le crochet vert, etc.) ne sont plus visibles sur mon Finder lorsque je lance dropbox. Je suis sur Mac Sequoia 15.3.1 et ma version de dropbox est 218.4.4348. J'ai essayé plusieurs choses mais rien ne fonctionne. Mes autres utilisateurs ont le même problème. Est-ce que quelqu'un a réussi à résoudre ce problème ? I need to add several TB to my Essentials account I need to add space to my Essential account. I added 1 TB several months ago and now I am unable to determine how to add another few TB. Send and track discontinuation I'm paying annually for an Essentials plan with you. Currently, I'm paying over $400 CAD per year. Between your discontinuing Vault and now discontinuing Send & Track, you're removing features that I've paid for and are also features that influenced my decision to go with Dropbox Essentials in the first place. I don't see you offering to reduce the price of my current plan that you're removing features from. In the e-mail I'd gotten about the Send & Track discontinuation, you offered a promo code for 3- months free of DocSend Personal. How nice of you, eh? How nice to offer me 3 months free of a service that I'd already paid for, you took away, and are now forcing me to pay for again to keep using! At the low low price of an additional $120–180+ in addition to the $400+ that I'm already paying you per year. 🤬 Seriously, what is going on with Dropbox as of late‽ Clearly, it's time we all start looking at alternative service. Porting my fax number to Dropbox/fax i had my fax number ported out but I need to port it BACK to dropbox/fax. help How can I convert my Dropbox account from personal to Business Essentials? I have a personal plus account. I started a small business and need the business essentials to use with a few clients. I don't see this option on the upgrade page. Is this possible? Thanks. I don't see any help or threads on this. I see articles about convert from personal to team member, but that's not my situation. I'm concerned I might be charged after a free trial of the Dropbox Essentials plan I am concerned with the status of my Dropbox account. I am on the basic plan after my free trial of the Dropbox essentials but I am concerned that I am going to be charge when I have the 199.99 in my bank.Even though I am on the basic plan and do not want to upgrade to any paying plan or be charged anything. Please could someone confirm that I wont be charged anything? As I do not want to Many thanks Which apps and features are included in Dropbox Essentials? Hi Wich apps is included in dropbox Essentials. Is it Dash, Sign, Backup, Transfer etc that is included in the price for Essentials? How do I connect my phone and Ipad to Dropbox backup? Stop telling me I am out of space when I have plenty. I keep receiving emails from Dropbox saying I have run out of space and to purchase more. I am sitting at 17% used space with 83% available and I get emails every 2-3 days telling me I have run out of space. this is pretty sleazy sales tactics. First of all, I can’t even get more space. Dropbox doesn’t offer more unless I switch to a 3 user business plan. That’s not exactly giving me more space. It’s forcing me to pay more for a lower personal amount of space, but more ‘team space’. So it’s a bit disingenuous. Come on Dropbox. You didn’t used to be like this. offers me inexpensive space with the option to add increments when I need. And it isn’t constantly spamming me. I'm a new user to Dropbox, how much is the Essentials plan monthly? Hi I am new user from Sweden to DropBox and right now I use the Essentials trial version active to March 1 2025. How much does it cost in USD monthly after it ends after 30 days?