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6 TopicsSyncing a folder directly on to without using the Dropbox App on the PC
I have already a Selective Sync set on my PC to Dropbox for certain folders. However, I want to keep operating a separate external drive directly to without the use of the Dropbox App because I want to avoid all those files to end up on my PC file explorer (limiting my memory capacity) as is the case when using the App. I'd appreciate some advise on how to proceed.Solved1.2KViews0likes4CommentsDropbox authentication error with UpdraftPlus from Wordpress
I have been using the Remote Storage option from within the UpdraftPlus plugin in Wordpress to keep backups on my dropbox account for several years. After moving my website to a new provider, the upload to dropbox stopped working. I checked that the connection to Dropbox is set up correctly by removing the settings for Dropbox and reauthentication. I can access and download from Dropbox old backups in the plugin without problems. But any attempt to upload files fails. The following error is returned: 0020.397 (0) Dropbox: Attempt to upload: to: 0021.240 (0) Dropbox chunked upload: 6.2 % uploaded (AAAAAAAAE7XIXgypxcVeOA, 1048576, 9216 KB) 0023.780 (0) Dropbox chunked upload: 61.6 % uploaded (AAAAAAAAE7XIXgypxcVeOA, 10485760, 10240 KB) 0025.721 (0) Dropbox chunked upload: 100 % uploaded (AAAAAAAAE7XIXgypxcVeOA, 17034343, 10240 KB) 0025.766 (0) Dropbox: chunked upload exception (Dropbox_BadRequestException): (line: 225, file: /home/MyWebsite/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Dropbox2/OAuth/Consumer/Curl.php) 0025.767 (0) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job It appears upload is started correctly and runs up to 100% but then does not complete or fails with some form of authentication. This problem occurs repeatedly and identically for every upload.Solved5.8KViews0likes14CommentsDetermine if file has finished synchronising
I have a simple problem: I store some data in DropBox which is shared between multiple people Several times people have started editing the data bnefore it has finished synchronising What I want is a simple routine which I can add to my application which determines whether a named file is synchronised, i.e. it is the same as the cloud version. If the file isn't synchronised I will simply wait for the automatic synchronisation to complete. The application is written in C# and is running on Windows 7 and 10 I have looked quite hard but I cannopt find an answer to this, apparently simple, question apart from "look at the DropBox App" which is precisely what my users dont do!Solved2.3KViews0likes5CommentsSlow upload speeds via Dropbox API via GoodSync
I'm currently syncing a folder to online-only access via GoodSync using the Dropbox API that they have implemented. I was forced to do this because using the Dropbox desktop client my files were uploadinging without consistent accurracy. Files were being placed in incorrect folders and I could not monitor the progress or stop and start it. GoodSync does a good job of verifying my upload activity, but upload speeds to Dropbox are severely throttled to less than 3MB/s, whereas I could be seeing up to 1GB upload speeds with my connection.3.1KViews0likes5Comments