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joshbreindel's avatar
New member | Level 1
2 months ago

There's a .canary file causing syncing issues on my Dropbox app.

Hey all!  My local backup software failed out yesterday - it reported that there was a file in use in Dropbox.  I poked around and found that ".canary" in my Dropbox cache was marked with the syncing icon (round blue arrows).  There was also a file "canary.enabled", but that one seemed to be static.

When I delete the ".canary" file, it simply reappears.  This file doesn't show up on my online account (natch).

I can see it on my two linked computers, my desktop (Win 11) and laptop (Win 10).  Both are running app version 214.3.5104.  I have a basic (free) account.

Anyone know what's going on with this canary file?  Why can't I delete it?  Where did it come from? I'd like to clear it so my local backup will run, but I'm also concerned that this might indicate a security issue, as I have no idea where this file came from.

Thanks for anything you can offer!

  • WokeSucks's avatar
    New member | Level 1

    There was an eeror in the connection and my first reply seemed to be deleted.
    I made a second try and only afterwards it appeared that the first one was saved..

    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Thanks for the screenshots WokeSucks  - much appreciated.

      It seems that you're running a beta version of the Dropbox desktop app. Can you check if you get the same results on the latest, stable version from this page as well? 

      Just make sure to toggle off the 'early releases' from your account's settings first. 

      • WokeSucks's avatar
        New member | Level 1

        Hi Walter
        After the installation of the stable version (Standard installer) in systemtray the same features appear: Dropbox 217.3.4297
        2nd trie: I dowloaded the Dropbox 216.4.4420 Offline Installer.x64.exe
        Features in systemtray: Dropbox 216.4.4420
        Unfortunately both installations end with the the same problem...
        Should I uninstall Dropbox first and thén trie the stable version?

  • WokeSucks's avatar
    New member | Level 1

    Hello Walter,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I cannot add a pdf-file.
    Hope that 2 printscreens make it OK


  • WokeSucks's avatar
    New member | Level 1

    Same problem here.
    Started after the recent dropbox-update...
    When deleted files are replaced automatically...
    I cannot trace the origin of the file, but there are mentionings:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Client\217.3.4297\driver_amd64
    Annoying that the sync is planned, but keeps waiting/pending for days now...


    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey WokeSucks - sorry to hear about this. Can you send us a screenshot of how it looks on your end so that we can have a visual too?

      Also, what is your computer's exact OS version and the version and status of the Dropbox desktop app as shown in your system  tray

      • WokeSucks's avatar
        New member | Level 1

        Hi Walter,

        I cannot send an attacment, so See below for the screenshots please.


  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    That isnt a Dropbox file, it sounds like you are using a work device? And if so that file is part of the security software/settings of the employer to help detect unauthorised access and use. 

    Have a look at

    • joshbreindel's avatar
      New member | Level 1

      Thanks for the reply!  I was afraid this wasn't a Dropbox file...

      Interstingly, I have the app on three computers - the two personal ones I mentioned above and on my work computer.  I checked my work computer today, and that ".canary" file ISN'T on my work computer and IS on my two homes ones!

      Any additional ideas greatly appreciated!