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Forum Discussion

tcoates's avatar
Helpful | Level 6
2 years ago

Aliases dont work after Dropbox upgrade on MacOS

I have used aliases extensively to organize my DBOX ..  all within DBOX.  For example, i have a folder "ToDO" full of aliases that point to folders that contain projects.  I have 4 Macs ..  and the u...
  • tcoates's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Walter ..  thanks for the response .. and sorry for not paying attention ... 


    So,  everything is fixed, and i am not sure why !!!    In case it is helpful to others:

    1.  i keep all my data files in DBOX and access for 4 different Macs.  One mainly .. So my data / docs file structure is the same on all machines and within the local DBOX.

    2.  All machines except one running Ventura .. other on Monterey

    3.  uninstalled and then reinstalled DBOX one machine at a tile upgrading to the new version of DBOX than puts the DBOX dir in the Library/cloudstuff ... or whatever ..  

    4. I told the install to leave everything ONLINE.  So, the install went pretty fast, as did the SYNC..     i think this was part of the problem before .. it was trying to sync 50 GB of data ..     

    5. Then,  when the install was complete,  i made only selected folders "available local".   did this on each machine.   


    Now for the great part:   i have a folder called TODO which is basically a folder wilth aliases to various projects.   This folder works on ALL OF THE MACHINES.    I use Cocoatech Pathfinde and make this a permanent tab on all machines.   I can take tag the alias using the colored TAGS that are part of the FINDER on apple so if i press the RED tag, all the most importat projects tagged come up .. the same behavisou on all machines .. 


    I did have to FIX some aliases after all this, but now the aliasa work for all machines,  ie newly added aliasa work everywhere.


    now DBOX, OneDrive, and iCloud are all in their proper place and seem to work happily together, though DBOX in my main storage ..  


    Thanks    for your help ... now, i am just livin the dream ..

