Forum Discussion

Vincent M.9's avatar
Vincent M.9
New member | Level 1
10 years ago

Can you remove the space in the dropbox folder name ("Dropbox (Company-Name)")?

I'm using my companies business dropbox account. And it created a folder called "Dropbox (my companies name here)".

Is there a way to remove the space between "Dropbox" and "("? I don't want to have a space in the path. So the folder name will become "Dropbox-Company" or "Dropbox_Company" or something, but not space.

It seems impossible.

  • Hi all, 

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to change the name of Dropbox folder, as many of you have discovered. 

    If you are using it for scripts then the best thing would firstly to parse the info.json and grab the path from there. The JSON is located:



    Windows will be one of these two paths:


    I say this as if you were to move your Dropbox folder at anytime then this would, of course, break any paths that explicitly referenced an exact folder path.

    On a side note, spaces within file paths shouldn't cause issues within scripts, it's fairly normal to have some spaces in there, just ensure your path string is correctly formatted and your script should be fine.