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Forum Discussion

cloudres's avatar
Experienced | Level 12
6 months ago

Mac OS Sequoia is arriving. Is DropBox ready?

Hi everyone, who remembers the chaos that happened last year with the Mac OS Sonoma update and all the issues we had with DropBox? There was a particular version that caused syncing to go haywire. I remember it all too well, as it took us almost a month to figure out how to fix the problem.


What will happen with Mac OS Sequoia? I admit, I'm quite anxious and would appreciate some reassurance from the DropBox team.



  • JasonL888's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    not working for me  ... kept showing connect


    but i noticed, if i disable the macos firewall it works ... not that i would ever recommend anyone do ... hopefully that helps with the dev troubleshooting 🙂 



    • Jonathan G.4's avatar
      Jonathan G.4
      New member | Level 2

      Yep, this works for me. Guess Dropbox needs a hold punched through to connect. Poor show, really...


    • kiwi-racer's avatar
      Explorer | Level 3

      On a subsequent reboot it's working, I never saw a request for dropbox to use network services (I did for many other apps - who were written to work inside the new security changes in this OS releaase) it could be firewall related like Jason mentioned above.

  • DBX_Pedro's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi cloudres ,


    Thank you for contacting us today. 


    In this case I will ask internally if there is information regarding your question. 


    I will get back to you with an answer as soon as I receive it. 

    • imyles's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      after upgrading to Sequoia, now everytime I try to save a word document, rather than save to dropbox it appears to make a new folder called NSIRD_Word_SXJuly and saves the file with a weird name like .~WRD2965.

      Google drive works so I'm hoping Dropbox can get this fixed soon?

      • HAK3's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        I was able to fix finder Dropbox sync status icons under Sequoia without reinstalling by doing the following.  I don't know which were necessary, I think #4 might be enough.

        1. Settings->Login Items & Extensions->Actions, turn off everything
        2. Settings->Login Items & Extensions->Endpoint Security Extensions->Turn off NordVPN
        3. Settings->Login Items & Extensions->Quicklook, turn off everything
        4. Settings->Login Items & Extensions->Finder, turn off everything (assuming Dropbox does not appear there)
        5. Settings->Privacy & Security->Full Disk Access->Turn on Dropbox
        6. Reboot
    • cloudres's avatar
      Experienced | Level 12

      DBX_Pedrohave you received any feedback by any chance? I’m more interested in official feedback rather than user comments. Thanks!

      • DBX_Pedro's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        Hi cloudres ,


        Thanks for reaching out.


        We've passed your feedback onto the team and they're looking into it.


        We'll update you as soon as we have information we can share.

    • MarkBarLev's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      It's disconcerting that after the question was asked 2+ hours ago, there hasn't been a response beyond, "I will ask internally".

      • Mark's avatar
        Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

        MarkBarLev wrote:

        It's disconcerting that after the question was asked 2+ hours ago, there hasn't been a response beyond, "I will ask internally".

        I'd not read too much in to this. 


        Dropbox is a global company with colleagues based all around the world. It is very possible that the people DBX_Pedro are outside of his timezone, or, as they have flexible working not yet in work/on shift.