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Right now, the automated backup option in Dropbox allows me to sync my Documents, Desktop and Downloads folders. By far the biggest - and most important - folder on my computer is the Music folder though. I can imagine for other people it's Pictures. Could we have a way to automatically backup those folders too?
To be really ambitious: would we be able to clone our computer on Dropbox? I used to have an Apple Time Machine that allowed you to do just that. If your computer broke down or was stolen, you could buy a new one, let it download the clone, including not just your documents but your applications and presets too, and you'd be good to go!
Please let Dropbox be the new Time Machine.
Not all programs save user data to the system Documents folder. For example, Minecraft saves your work to AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves . Various source code editors like to make their own directories under the user's home directory. And so forth. Dropbox would be an effective backup if I could tell it where my work is. Thanks for considering this.
Hi Dropbox team!
So I work in advertising and we work with a lot of external hard drives. We need to have an option to add those HDDs to the backup, as we cant move them to any of the other folders, there's no space in those HDD to be able to do that. Please add an option to select folders to be backed up with dropbox.
I would love to back up my music folder entirely in this way I won't have to mess up my directory when syncing with Rekordbox
I am hours old to Dropbox, but because I can only sync 'documents/desktop/downloads' and the horrible support options/ experience when I tried for 1h 30 min + to figure out how to sync other folders, I am already ready to uninstall although I got 100GB for free to try Dropbox out.
I see that Dropbox is aiming at 'clean, easy and cheerful' but really it just frustrates me a lot.
Maybe I do not want to sync my documents folder, because I have sensitive data in there? Maybe I do not want to sync my download folder because it really is not necessary to sync 2 Gb of software that I just dowloaded?
Maybe I do not want to sync my Desktop for other reasons?
I do however want to be able to sync other folders on my computer such as 'video' and any other folder of my choosing.
Why should that be so difficult? Why should finding out how to do that be so difficult? Why can't I chat with a human being instead of a bot that has no relevant answers? Why is this information not on a support page? Why is it not in a Dropbox youtube video? Why are your support articles so extremely basic?
Yes, I could pay to get better support, but I don't get the whole experience as a new user, so why should I pay more?
Desidero condividere l'idea, in quanto ritengo sia assolutamente utilissima. Anche io ho cartelle diverse che NON posso copiare in Documenti, Desktop o Download di cui avrei necessità di farne backup! Attendo speranzoso tale possibile funzione.
I ask the Dropbox team to consider allowing users to backup other folders other than documents, downloads and desktops as well. It would be really useful to have copies of work or personal folders that CANNOT be moved to predefinited folders. Even those that can be moved to the default folders, if they change continuously, for example for work, would become inconvenient because they would have to be copied manually anyway.
Maybe this has been mentioned before, but I really need to be able to define my backup folder locations as they are not in the default c:\ but in D:\.
At the very least, allow users to define their own folder locations for backup please.
How about using the Dropbox app and adding that folder to the app and storing your files there? You may then remain saved in the Dropbox. I tried that half a yera ago, it should have worked.
As others have said, the ability to select any local folder is the missing link in Dropbox being the 'Goto' online backup facility for Private and SME companies. We have a Folder on a network drive (thats on a Mirror server), which holds all our working documents. We have to manually back this up and then place it in a Dropbox folder at the moment. This would save a huge amount of risk and aggro if this could happen automaticaly by allowing us to choose a folder rather than being limited to those three defaults.