Forum Discussion

op2's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 years ago

Cannot update to Dropbox for macOS Sonoma on File Provider

Hello. I'm on a mac (Sonoma 14.1.2).   After recently reinstalling dropbox following the advanced reinstall instructions I am unable to (re)update to File Provider. I get the following p[ersist...
  • op2's avatar
    2 years ago

    Thanks. I think I've fixed the problem. I'd overlooked the note accompanying the "advanced reinstall" instructions: "If you’re using Dropbox for macOS on File Provider, you won’t be able to run an advanced reinstall following the steps below." I uninstalled dropbox again and this time moved and renamed the local dropbox folder as a backup. I then reinstalled, and downloaded a fresh copy of all files from dropbox. Now the update to File Provider has worked.