Forum Discussion

jwhitley's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
2 years ago

Set all folders to "make available offline" on macOS

In the new macOS FileProvider API version of Dropbox, is it possible to recursively set all folders to "make available offline"?  If so, does this setting persist for newly added sub-folders?  I've read reports that each individual folder must be manually set, which is completely unacceptable if true.


My key use case is that I ALWAYS want every file in Dropbox synced to my Mac so it will be included in my backup process. Automatically and/or silently reverting to "online" behavior is therefore never OK. A related use case is that I need to be able to trust "make available offline" for times when I may not have robust connectivity and/or for when redownloading is unacceptable. Concrete example, among many: if I'm presenting, I need to know that all presentation assets are local. Delaying a professional presentation because "downloading" is a bad look.


With the old version of Dropbox, the above workflows were essentially bulletproof, and my longstanding ability to rely on that is literally what makes me a paying customer. What I'm reading of the new version give me significant doubts.

  • Jay's avatar
    2 years ago

    Yes, marking a folder as available offline will make all subfolders available offline as well, in perpetuity.

  • Jay's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi jwhitley, thanks for messaging the Community.


    By default, on the new version of the Dropbox desktop application for Mac OS, newly added files will be online-only.


    You can mark folders as available offline when right clicking them for files within those folders to also be downloaded offline.


    If you have any further queries, feel free to message back.

    • jwhitley's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5

      Thanks for the reply. To clarify/reiterate my question: Does marking a folder as "offline" make that folder's subfolders also available offline?  This, specifically, is what I've gathered isn't supported. It's also completely nonsensical, which is why I'm trying to clarify the behavior here. Dropbox's documentation is silent on this point, as far as I can determine.


      My expected/desired behavior is this: if I mark a top-level Dropbox folder (call it "Stuff") as available offline, all files and folders underneath that will be made available offline in perpetuity. If I have to constantly hunt down new files and/or subfolders of "Stuff" and also mark those "offline" ... that's a deal breaker, as I explained above.

      • Jay's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Yes, marking a folder as available offline will make all subfolders available offline as well, in perpetuity.

    • RicBret's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      >> By default, on the new version of the Dropbox desktop application for Mac OS, newly added files will be online-only.


      This was an **bleep** move.  You reversed my universal setting without asking, without notification.  And now it's MY job to fix your mess.

      I will be reconsidering continuing my subscription to Dropbox.  

      • lls3's avatar
        New member | Level 2

        Same sentiment. I am furious with thousands of photos that i have to "move" so I can work with them. Dropbox was THE reason I didn't bother with anyone else's cloud - your system was seamless and flawless and I could go from device to device and know my files were accessible. I absolutely deplore what you've done and regret the money I've spent for the "professional" version.

    • beatbox45321's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      Can someone from DB please let us know why this was changed?? I have used DB for over a decade for all our business files precisely because I could have local files that were also synced but fully available whether I was online or not. But now the app silently removed this option with no notice. I accidentally discovered it.


      Is this option going to be added back? After being a long-term customer this upgrade unfortunately is going to lead me to look for other options.

      • adelanteconjuicio's avatar
        Explorer | Level 4

        I agree. I am very disappointed in this DB move. Mac + DB was my dream set-up and DB managed to shatter it with a) moving the files to a different folder (which changes all the folder addresses I use in other files) and b) changing to online-only as default. (I am not affected by the external drive issue). Poor move, even more poorly communicated. Very disappointed. 

  • AA1975's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I am writing this message so Dropbox should improve update for Mac users. It was a disaster when I upgraded--I lost 30% of my video files, presentations, etc. and that is what i noticed. May be i lost some more files. Also, my presentations were gone and I donot understand why some were gone and some were not. They were not in deleted folders just disappeared. All shared folders disappeared. This was a disaster. I was lucky that i did time machine a month ago so i had to take another Mac, do time machine and then compare the files. so i restored some and went to old version. Very bad for dropbox since they put storage in cloud i belive now. I hope they will go back to normal and before that I am not upgrading. I hope Dropbox can comment on the disaster which happened to me and I am surprised that noone writes that. I lost 30%video files, presentation and probably the files which i donot know since i had 220GB on my dropbox. Hope to hear the comments

  • wolfdrop's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Hi! Since the last major update I always have to download every file manually by clicking on the cloud symbol. This really slows down my work. I'd like to use dropbox as a normal folder system with everything automatically downloading all the time, just as it used to be. How can I achieve that?




    • Hannah's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey wolfdrop, I assume you're referring to the new Dropbox for macOS update, right?


      This is actually expected behavior with newly added files, but also, if the app detects that you're running low on hard drive space, it will also automatically switch your files to online-only.


      You can see more info about this and other expected changes here.


      If you want your entire Dropbox folder to be available offline, though, you can navigate to the Dropbox folder in ~/Library/CloudStorage, right-click, and choose "Make available offline".

      • wolfdrop's avatar
        New member | Level 2
        Thanks a lot That's what I was looking for.
  • Katriina's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I am using MAC and I had to install Dropbox again (Dropbox Professional with 3 TB). However, now after re installing Dropbox, all my Dropbox files can be opened only when I am online. When I open a file, then it is also stored in my MAC.

    How do I get all those files also stored in my MAC (as they have been there)?  

    • Hannah's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey Katriina, thanks for your post today!


      If you want to make all your Dropbox files available offline, so you don't need to be connected to the internet to access them, simply right click on the Dropbox folder itself and choose "make available offline".


      Keep in mind that offline files will take up space on your hard drive.


      I hope this helps!

      • Katriina's avatar
        New member | Level 2

        Hi Hannah, right click function does not work when using MAC. What is the alternative way of doing what you suggested? And on other question: what to do if I want to choose certain folders which are accessible when working offline? 

  • Xmelanie's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    Hi. Mac user. 

    Goal: use Dropbox to sync files between work computer and home computer, keeping parallel structure and files saved locally on both machines, and availability to download to phone or iPad as needed. Be able to run backups e.g. TimeMachine. Local storage is important to me. Being able to keep a backup on an external drive is important to me.


    I had this set up - was fine. But got a new MacBook and ran the migration assistant: now all my dropbox files are online only. ๐Ÿคจ

    I see a setting in the preferences to save *new* files locally, available offline - but I want all my files to be saved locally, and available offline.


    Where is the button I can click that will make all of my files download so I can keep a backup copy?
    And why does Dropbox keep trying to "help me" by putting my files in a place where I can not keep backups, or access them in the event of any kind of server or internet outage? 

    • Xmelanie's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      I do see that I can go and hit download on the 106 folders I have and 171 files living outside of folders. But can I do this all at once, and will this result in local folders and files that will sync?

    • Rich's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Xmelanie wrote:

      Where is the button I can click that will make all of my files download so I can keep a backup copy?

      Select all files and folders, right-click them and select Make available offline.

  • church media's avatar
    church media
    Explorer | Level 3

    I'm on a Mac desktop.  In the Apple Menu at the top right I click the dropbox logo and see my files.

    It says your files are up to date.


    I want to view my files.  They can be seen in thumbnail version.  of the 8 in the folder 

    ONE has a green checkmark.  

    The rest have a cloud in the bottom right corner.


    I deleted the app. and resinstalled.

    Same problem.


    How do I get them to appear on the computer so they can be used 

    WITHOUT going to dropbox on line and downloading each file?



    signed, ChurchMedia

    • Rich's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      church media wrote:

      I want to view my files.  They can be seen in thumbnail version.  of the 8 in the folder 

      ONE has a green checkmark. The rest have a cloud in the bottom right corner.

      Right-click the files and select Make available offline, then give it a moment to sync.

      • church media's avatar
        church media
        Explorer | Level 3

        Thanks this worked  ๐Ÿ™‚


        Is there a way for this to automatically be set - instead of doing it for each individual item?