Forum Discussion

cruxt's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
2 years ago

Lightroom Classic (Mac) Catalog Folder Structure broken through /Library/Cloudstorage change - help!

I recently updated my Dropbox library to the new structure (I believe) required by Apple and this has caused a breaking issue on Lightroom Classic on Mac because of the path structures have changed





Due to Lightroom having issues with this, my images are being split into two different folders with in the _app's folder_ structure (it used to mirror the Finder's but now there are duplicates for every item created AFTER the update. 


There is a 'fix' for this called the 'capitalisation bug fix' which should work but I wanted to flag on Dropbox and see if anyone here has run into this issue as I think more than just me will have their catalogs in Dropbox.

Here's my discussion on this subject on the Adobe side

  • Good news!


    This issue is solved by creating new presets in the Lightroom Import Module to a new disc location. By creating these new presets, the "Library/Cloud Storage/" is automatically added to the file structure of this new location.


    Next step, in the Lightroom Library Module, was to move all folders to this new location. Everything is working fine now. Also edits in Photoshop are saved in the right location.

  • Jay's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi cruxt, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


    We appreciate your feedback on this matter. Have you already been in contact with the support team regarding this issue?


    This will help me to assist further!

    • cruxt's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4
      No I have not. Wanted to start with the community first. Will bring to support team
    • cruxt's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Hi Jay - still no reply from the support team - any solutions are appreciated. 

      • Walter's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hey cruxt sorry to jump in here, but could you share your ticket ID with us so that we can look it up in our system?