Forum Discussion

Frank V.4's avatar
Frank V.4
New member | Level 1
9 years ago

My Folder is Empty, yet it says it's full.

 I have absolutely NOTHING in my folder, yet it says it's full whenever I try to drag something to it.

I have the basic version.  I share with someone who has the 1TB program and he has A LOT of stuff in his.  But...

That is HIS Folder, it is NOT MY FOLDER.  So If this is the reason (which after reading a few other posts, I get the feeling that it might be), this is a total and complete BS program.  How the hell am I supposed to control what other people do and have in their folders.

MY folder is empty, that should be the ONLY criteria of whether or not my "DropBox Is Full."

Could someone please explain why my folder is proclaimed full if it is other than what I posted above?  Thank you in advance.

  • He hasn't connected you to his Dropbox - as thats not possible. He has shared you a folder exactly as Richard said. And that uses your quota. You get 0 benefit from him being a Pro user. 

    So if you are SHARING his folder then it uses your quota. 

    And as syncing stops as soon as you go over your limit it is possible you may not see anything in your Dropbox if it went over sharply 

    See to see where your space is being used

  • glen p.3's avatar
    glen p.3
    New member | Level 1

    How on earth do you have a free account, and he has a Pro account, and your sharing it, how on earth is that supposed to work ???

    Maybe before calling Dropbox a BS program, you learn how to use it first.


    Edit: i meant to ask before, would you drive a car without knowing how to drive it, but still blame the car manufacturer because you crashed it into another car ?

    • Tim B.1's avatar
      Tim B.1
      New member | Level 2

      That was a really dumb response. You should go and work for dropbox inc - you will fit in well

  • Richard P.'s avatar
    Richard P.
    Icon for Super User alumni rankSuper User alumni

    You arent sharing his account or any of the benefits he receives through upgrading that account - the shared folder exists in your account, and that is where you are uploading to, so your accounts limits come into effect.

    You dont get to share someone elses space.

  • Frank V.4's avatar
    Frank V.4
    New member | Level 1

    OK, I didn't use the proper word when I said "share."  Of course we are not "sharing" the folder.  I should have stated that he invited me to connect with HIS Drop Box, so we could exchange files. 

    So with that clarified, I still do not understand why it says MY folder is full, when it is COMPLETELY EMPTY?

    When I first signed up, I was able to put things into my folder.  Now I no longer can.  This is what I can not figure out.

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    He hasn't connected you to his Dropbox - as thats not possible. He has shared you a folder exactly as Richard said. And that uses your quota. You get 0 benefit from him being a Pro user. 

    So if you are SHARING his folder then it uses your quota. 

    And as syncing stops as soon as you go over your limit it is possible you may not see anything in your Dropbox if it went over sharply 

    See to see where your space is being used

    • Mesz's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      My Dropbox is EMPTY but I keep getting a FULL notification. How can I fix this? Should I just delete the whole thing?

      • Lusil's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
        Hi there Mesz.
        Initially, can you please let me know what the Dropbox icon reads when you hover over it and send me a screenshot of it? Is it still syncing or up to date?
        Furthermore, could you please check what your available space is via the website by navigating to your Plan tab? There, you can also see how much space is being used up by other files and shared content.
        Let me know of any update on the matter! :grin:
  • Chris M.132's avatar
    Chris M.132
    New member | Level 1

    I'm facing this issue as well. I have a 2GB limit, used barely any of it, someone shared their 20GB folder with me so I could access his files and now I can't add anything new of my own to my dropbox account.

    So if I want to use my dropbox account for my own stuff I need to pay for enough storage space to accommodate his 20GB as well as what I want to be able to store. So that 20GB is being paid for by him AND me. Dropbox get paid twice! And effectively he can eat up as much of my storage as he wants, though i have the ability to remove my access it's still a bit of a wonky setup...