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dpcrush2112's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
2 years ago

Cancellation of a Dropbox account but can't get it quite right.

I have tried many times to cancel my dropbox subscription and nothing has worked - I just keep getting billed monthly.  I got frustrated and deleted everything my dropbox account (probably a mistake), and yet I still get billed monthly.  I can't talk to anyone, the chat with a dropbot doesn't do anything - and I am starting to get really mad.  


How can I stop this incessant charging of my credit card without actually cancelling the card because that is a much larger issue and I hope I don't have to go down that path.


This is extremely irritating.

  • Hannah's avatar
    2 years ago

    Not a problem, dpcrush2112, I'm glad to see you were able to figure it out!


    If you need anything else, please let us know.


    Have a great week ahead!

  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey dpcrush2112, thanks for reaching out to us and sorry to see you're having trouble cancelling your subscription.


    Did you initially upgrade directly through our website or perhaps through the Dropbox mobile app (billed through iTunes/Google Play)?


    Let me know and we'll go from there.

    • dpcrush2112's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      I don't really remember.  I probably did it via the app - but I don't understand why it matters how i upgraded - I just did.


      Any help here is greatly appreciated.

      • Rich's avatar
        Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

        dpcrush2112 wrote:

        I probably did it via the app - but I don't understand why it matters how i upgraded - I just did.

        It matters because if you subscribed through the app, then you're being billed by the app store (Apple or Google) and not by Dropbox, so you would need to contact the app store in question for any billing assistance. Dropbox wouldn't have access to your billing information in such a case.

    • Aissahp's avatar
      New member | Level 2
      How can i cancel? Im having the same problem too. I am still being charged on my credit card!
      • Nancy's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hey Aissahp


        Are you receiving direct Dropbox charges, or are these payments seem to be linked to the App Store/Play Store?

  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey dpcrush2112, could it be that you used a different Android device to upgrade the account, or a different Google email?

    • dpcrush2112's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4



      Well - wouldn't you know it.  I had used my wife's GMAIL account for the upgrade.  I was able to log in with her Gmail address and cancel the subscription.  Thank you very much for your assistance!!!!



      • Hannah's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Not a problem, dpcrush2112, I'm glad to see you were able to figure it out!


        If you need anything else, please let us know.


        Have a great week ahead!

  • CK12's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I don't mean to "like" this comment.  I only want to support the anger and frustration users feel in trying to cancel a DropBox subscription or communicate with anyone. 😞

    • Hannah's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Thanks for your feedback here, CK12.


      Would you like assistance with the same issue? Are you having trouble cancelling your subscription?

      • bobscarwidow's avatar
        Explorer | Level 4

        Yes, I am having the same problem cancelling my account.

  • Ambearloveschu 's avatar
    New member | Level 2
    I’ve been trying to cancel my account for the past week. It won’t fully load I contacted them and no response.
    • Hannah's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Sorry to hear about this, Ambearloveschu .


      Can you send us the ticket number for your communication with our support team, so we can check it out?

  • Daniel Pomije's avatar
    Daniel Pomije
    New member | Level 2

    I have the same problem, Im not usiing the service , I tried to cancel it on laptop an iPhone but just hitting the communication loops and stupid chatbot. In my Chrome layout are no buttons like plan, or cancel plan... 😞 please help me!!! They billed me 15 times, but Im too busy and nerved with this Im not able to solve it. HOw were you able to finally cancel it and leave? Please help me!!! Many thanks in advance.!!!

    • Rich's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Daniel Pomije wrote:

      I tried to cancel it on laptop an iPhone but just hitting the communication loops and stupid chatbot.

      Visit the Support page while you're NOT signed in to a Dropbox account, including these forums, and you'll see an option for Billing issues. It's best to use an Incognito or Private browsing session to make sure you're not signed in.



      In my Chrome layout are no buttons like plan, or cancel plan...

      If your Plan page shows as Basic then you're not signed in to a paid account. If this is the case and you're being charged, you're being charged for a different account. Use the credit card charge lookup tool to identify the account you're being charged for.

    • Mrc7cas's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I am on my church's video team and we use Dropbox. I apparently somehow got an individual account that was billed to me annually and I just noticed it on my credit card statement. (was also charged last year but didn't notice it then). I have navigated this extremely difficult web site and was able to cancel the account that was paid on July 30, but the cancellation doesn't take place until next year on July 30. How can I cancel and get a refund? 

  • Megren's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3

    My account was charged - did not want it.

    I did not even use the full trial not the app. 

    how do I cancel and get my money back???

    • Mark's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Megren wrote:

      My account was charged - did not want it.

      I did not even use the full trial not the app. 

      how do I cancel and get my money back???

      Dropbox only issues refunds where legally required. 


      If you started the trial its your responsibility to then cancel it - not using it wont do that. 


      Follow the instructions already on this thread for how to cancel it and contact support to ask about a refund.

  • lorrainefourie5899's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Good morning

    I would like to cancel my Dropbox . I have gone on pension and no longer need the services.  I cannot find my  password to be able to cancel.

    How do I obtain a temporary password?

    • Jay's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hi @lorrainefouriethen, if you don't know your password, you can reset it on this page and then login to cancel your subscription.

  • Love4littleman's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    i have tried several to dlete my drop box and nothing happen how do i delete my drop box

  • oreskovichl 's avatar
    New member | Level 2
    I’m having the same problem. Customer service was no help. They just wanted my credit card number. Why? I’m trying to cancel, not increase my service. I don’t even know my email associated with this service. I am now retired and have no need for this service. I never used it in the first place.
    • Jay's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hi @oreskovichl, most likely, the support team required the card details to locate the payment on the system, if your current account isn't on a paid plan. 


      do you have the ticket ID from when you contacted the team?

      • oreskovichl 's avatar
        New member | Level 2
        Hi Jay! I do not have the ticket ID. I did not give the support team my card number as he was pitching several products for a low price before even beginning. He was rude and I ended the call. All I want to really do is cancel my service I don’t use for$11.99/monthly. I have no idea my email account used to make this purchase. I am retired so this is not needed.