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jdr2's avatar
New member | Level 2
11 months ago

Syncing is interrupted. But why?

Receive "Syncing Is Interrupted" error message.  Took the following actions to resolve:

1. Disabled firewall

2. Disabled antivirus

3. Made the Windows user an admin

4. Disabled OneDrive

5. Ran Check Disk on Windows


Can't think of any other solutions.  Please help. 

  • Megan's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey jdr2, let's see what we can find together on this! 

    First of all, you took some amazing troubleshooting steps on your end! 


    Can you also try signing out of the app, re-starting your device, and then singing back in to see if that changes things? 


    Keep me posted!

  • owaiskhan's avatar
    Helpful | Level 5

    Dear Supporters, 


    I am facing an issue of not syncing with other devices. the error show is "Unable to sync while file in this folder is in use. Close the file to resume syncing" while no file is opened in any system. i have two devices, one is my laptop and other one is my PC. 


    Please help in this regard. 


    Thank You

    • Mark's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Hi owaiskhan 


      Something on the device throwing that error up is accessing the file - what other services do you have running? What type of file is it (i.e. is it a Music file that say iTunes is trying to control). Could it be a backup programme or Antivirus tool doing a check?

  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey all, we really appreciate your input in this.


    Can you also take a look at the number of files you're currently trying to sync?


    The Dropbox app has a (soft) limit of 300K files, so exceeding that number will cause the app's performance to decline.


    If you're over this limit, can you remove some folders from the Dropbox folder using selective sync, to see if that helps?

    • LaraRebooted's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      If you want me to remove folders, perhaps I should move them over to iCloud and just give up on you? Either fix the problem or expect your competition to get some benefit out of your refusal to do so. 2TB of space means a LOT of files; that "soft" limit is ridiculous.

  • SDRSF123's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I am beyond perplexed and exhausted, I have spent my entire day trying to force DropBox to finish syncing with my new macbook. It partially synced, there are several hundred thousand files that appear to have been synced, but I cannot force it to finish the job. It has been stuck for five hours on 'syncing is interrupted' and I have no solution. It has been indexing files on and off during that entire time without any progress. I have: 


    1. Updated my OS to the most current version. 
    2. Quit the desktop application multiple times and restarted my computer multiple times. 

    I don't really know what else to do because the application doesn't give you many options to manipulate the application. 

    • Nancy's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      SDRSF123, I’ve merged your post here, as it’s similar to the issue discussed in this thread. 


      Can you please check Hannah’s post above, and let me know what’s the file count that your Dropbox app is syncing? Is it possible it’s more than 300k files, which could potentially cause a syncing issue?

    • owaiskhan's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5

      Here are my suggestions for you. I had the same issue and I resolved it personally because the dropbox team was unable to give any solution. They were just asking to do many things related to firewall, hidden running apps etc. 


      Logout dropbox from PC, remove dropbox from and reinstall.

      Logout dropbox from computer/laptop also from which are syncing.


      Relogin in all devices and issue will be resolved automatically.


      Thank You. 

      • ElChoko's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        That didn't work for me yesterday...

        I have solved it syncing every big folder one by one, instead of all at the same time. A process which took me about 4 hours but in the end it worked.
        With some of the folders, the Syncing being interrupted happened, and I solved it pausing the syncing, and then activating it again a few times (3 or 4). Not a very good solution, but effective in the end.

  • glassfull's avatar
    Collaborator | Level 8

    Also having this issue.

    Signed out, uninstalled, reinstalled, still the same issue.  Another Fup by DB... 

    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Thank you all for the updates!


      For anyone who's still facing this issue, please let us know here and we'll reach out via email to investigate further. 

    • offfffsite's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      With apple cloud storage and adobe cloud storage nipping at the heels of dropbox.. it's not a good moment to be dropping the ball like this. 

      • spooncert's avatar
        New member | Level 2

        Having this issue too. After quitting/uninstalling/reinstalling/restarting and leaving the Mac OS Dropbox Beta, the problem persists… I logged out of the app and back in, and it finally told me that having more than 500K files could cause issues, so I pared it down with Selective Sync—waiting now to see what effect that has. Been days of no syncing and my trust in the service is pretty badly damaged.

  • shamim101's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6
    After deleting some file , moving some file , rename some file … now my desktop Dropbox app is showing syncing interrupted for while. My Dropbox business solution still not syncing file . Please help me ..
    • Jay's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hi shamim101, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


      Could you attach a screenshot showing the desktop app and the message that appears on the bottom left?


      This will help me to assist further!

  • Lukas Kus's avatar
    Lukas Kus
    Explorer | Level 3

    any updates on this? I have the same issue, my syncing has stopped because of some files (that were just fine last week) but now it's causing a trouble and the whole thing (I mean dropbox) is not syncing because of it.

    I have deleted that folder in the Chrome/browser, but it still wants to sync in my Windows app..and it's just stuck.

    • andreasgrill's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Woke up this morning with the same problem. I logged out of dropbox app again and restarted my computer, now it's indexing again. Hopefully it will work this time. 

  • Did anyone figure this out? Same problem - just started happening a couple of days ago. And now I keep getting this error. Dropbox is mostly unusable. Seems like a bug they have in their code. It says that the "performance of the Dropbox application starts to decline after reaching about 300,000 files", not that it will just break the whole App. 

    • Lukas Kus's avatar
      Lukas Kus
      Explorer | Level 3

      yes I fixed it - I just moved the whole dropbox directory into my other SSD I have in my PC (they are both 2TB, so that helps). then the problem with sync error stopped and it's "fixed" for now.


      it's not a solution for everybody of course, but it helped in my situation.

    • Megan's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey theeconomist1, let's jump right into this!


      I'd like to ask for some info such as your device's OS, the Dropbox version and syncing status, please. 


      You can find the version, and the app's status, by hovering your mouse over the little Dropbox icon next to your WiFi on your menu/task bar.


      Have you tried using selective sync for your content by any chance? 


      Let me know more, and we'll take it from there! 

      • theeconomist1's avatar
        Helpful | Level 6

        Hi Megan, I have two devices where I tried to synch it - one running OS Sonoma 14.4.1 and the other Monterey 12.6.6. The dropbox version on both is 198.4.7615. The files are synching fine, until suddenly I get an error "Syncing is interrupted". I tried moving the DB folder to an SSD like the above person suggested - still the same problem. At this point I am just trying to get my files off Dropbox. The main folder has 9K subfolders, so synching them individually would take forever. How should I proceed? I have been using DB for many years with these folders and never had a problem before. 

  • syed shah's avatar
    syed shah
    Explorer | Level 3

    Hi guys 


    I was wondering if anyone can help 


    I keep on getting msgs saying Syncing is interupted 


    currently almost 37000 files are not syncing on both download and uploads 


    Its really effecting my business now and i need help to get this resolved 


    This is on my desktop version a prompt does come up saying syncing interupted 







    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey syed shah - sorry to hear you're having issues with this.


      Could you clarify the app's version as shown in your menu bar/system tray and let us know approximately how many files you're syncing locally on the affected computer?


      Any additional information or screenshots are more than welcome!

      • syed shah's avatar
        syed shah
        Explorer | Level 3

         Hey Walter thanks for coming back to me 


        When i hover the mouse above the little dropbox Icon it comes up to the following, i have to type it as everytime i try to screen shot it , it disspears




        Dropbox 201.4.5552


        uploading 2,612

        downloading 32,285

